Cheryl Denise Bannerman is an award-winning, multi-genre author of six self-published books. She is the winner of the 2018 Book Excellence Award for her book of poetry, Words Never Spoken, and winner of the Best Books Awards in the category of African American fiction in 2020 for Black Child to Black Woman. She is also a Semi-Finalist in the MLC Audiobook Awards with a 2020 IMDb Nomination for Book 1 of the Anna Romano Mystery Series, Cats, Cannolis, and a Curious Kidnapping.
As a child…
Even at the age of seven, up and coming Author, Cheryl Denise Bannerman, would sit for hours on end, reading about faraway lands, intriguing characters and intoxicating storylines.
And by a pre-teen, she was writing poetry for publication and short stories for school that moved readers to laughter, tears, and joy. She was an old creative soul from a young age, experiencing way too much ‘life’ than she would have liked.
All grown up…
When Cheryl Denise Bannerman is not writing for her next book, she is running her 25-year old virtual B2B Training and Development company based out of her Orlando, Florida, home. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and a Master of Science degree in IT Project Management and Leadership; and since 1996, she has been known to her clients as an Instructional Design and e-Learning Expert — creating classroom training materials, e-Learning modules, job aids and more for corporate employees.
In her spare time, she loves to read murder mysteries, cook, watch movies, try new restaurants and cuisines, and take in the sun on the beach. And, although this author’s works are fiction, she has incorporated many of her personal life’s experiences into her stories.
Through the trials and tribulations of her life, she has learned to heal through her writing. One of the few female authors to introduce topics of social concern within ‘fictional’ stories, her books draw from the most intimate life experiences and include characters who have been victims of child molestation and domestic violence, and who suffer from depression and various other addictions. For example, her second book, Words Never Spoken, which just won the 2018 Book Excellence Award, is a self-help, poetry, chapter-book about a woman who escaped an abusive relationship, and even includes self-reflection journal pages for readers to document their feelings and begin healing.
Her goal in life is to keep writing and continue helping victims of Domestic Abuse/Violence, Grief and ANON family groups, and Corporate Health and Wellness groups, to heal through words — encouraging them to ‘write the pain’ via journaling, and expressing themselves through short stories, songs, and poetry.