I am special and unique – positive affirmation words on a vintage slate blackboard
Just like there is power in speaking the name of Jesus, there is power is speaking positive affirmations over yourself and your life. Check out these affirmations based on scriptures from the Word. http://www.faithandhealthconnection.org/110-affirmations-using-bible-verses/
Won’t you share one of your favorites here?!
Here is my affirmation when I look in the bathroom mirror every morning: “Hey gorgeous. You come here often?” LOL Actually, just being able to say I Love You has been hard enough these past few years. Life, relationships, death…it’s all so much to bear sometimes.
My personal affirmation, which has been the same for a while now, is YOU GOT THIS!! In today’s world there is plenty of opportunities for every day life to be as tough as it possibly can. And there are also plenty of moments for me to lose the faith. Believe me, I do have moments, through the day, that something will happen and I will think to myself briefly that it would just be easier to give up and give in. But, then I think back to my affirmation, gain renewed hope and strength, and push through and past those difficult times. Much as what is related in this book, you have to want to move on, for yourself rather than anyone else. Yes, it will be difficult, and yes there are days you will be on shaky footing, but it can be done. The author of the book proved that in her own way, and I am sure at times she did think YOU GOT THIS!!!
I sure did! I may have spoken it aloud, but deep down not sure if I believe it 100% at the time. But in the end when I overcame, I did feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. However, on a more serious note, the death of a loved one or loved ones, and trauma in life, such as rape or molestation, take way more time to get over 100%, IF that is even possible in a lifetime.
Today is a day that brings to mind the affirmation “I can do all things, through Christ”. Being a woman of faith, I am a believer in this quote. Today, of all days, I will have to use this uplifting phrase as my personal mantra, repeating it over and over again. At times when personal loss is so strongly felt, one has to have something that will give them comfort and solace. Grief, and the process of grieving, not only those lost, but maybe a life that is unfulfilled, is a depleting and draining task in itself. And, it is at times such as these that a personal mantra, or affirmation, is most critical. We, as humans, can endure much, but that is only because we adapt and learn. A daily affirmation is a part of the process, and should be seen as a source for lifting us up, and helping us thru every moment of every day.
I like to say “why not me?” So many times we ask “why me?” when something bad happens, I like to reverse it and ask why I think I don’t deserve good things- most of the time, I agree that I do deserve them!!
I have never thought of turning the words around to say, “Why not me?” In moments of hardship and disappointment, I think it’s easy to wonder why we are the unlucky ones. We start asking questions like, “What did I do wrong?” or “I must have said or done something. That’s why I got turned down.” We make it more about ourselves when we ask, “why me?”
If you ask, “why not me?” it becomes more about the whole picture than just about YOU. We start to ask, “Maybe I need more experience?” or “Maybe I wasn’t their top choice because another person was a better fit.” I think it sets up a whole new mindset when you add the word “not” to such a short question.
Next time something doesn’t go my way, I am going to pose that question to myself. I will be interested to see if I have a different outlook on the situation if I look at the whole picture than just at what I could have done differently.
Thanks for the insight!!
When I was younger, my mothers favorite affirmation was “don’t sweat the small stuff, because its all small stuff.” Growing up I never did quite understand the meaning, but as I got older and out on my own, I all too well started to understand, and take on the affirmation as my own. At times, all the “stuff” feels like big stuff, and far from small. And there are days that I just feel it would be easier to give in, let the cosmos have their way, and declare defeat. But, then I hear my mothers voice, as she spoke this affirmation to me over and over again. It is then I pick myself up by my metaphorical boot straps, and begin to stop sweating the “stuff”…period. It is not an easy task, and it will never be, but if I keep this affirmation close to my heart, and in my mind at all times, I have faith that I will make it through.
Matthew 22:39 taught us to love one another as we would love ourselves, I try to remember the last bit as well, and treat myself at least as well as I would treat others. There is so much self-hate in this world, if you don’t love yourself, no-one else will either!
My favorite biblical verse is one that my husband and I got to read at a good friend’s wedding. I think many of you may have heard it before. It is 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8. Here it is below:
Love is patient.
love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails
It is a remarkable section that describes love in such a succinct and beautiful way. To understand love is to understand patience, forgiveness, kindness, truth, hope and humility. No one is perfect, but when you are loved, or love someone, you both are able to see past the ‘bad’ and love the good of that person.
My favorite verse is this section is, “It keeps no record of wrongdoing.” I believe holding grudges and being mad at someone is poisonous, and only hurts you more in the end. Forgiveness not only helps mend relationships, it also gives you an inner peace that heals part of you as well. I think this is one of the hardest part of loving someone; forgiving and loving them when they are wrong or do wrong to you.
Is there a verse of this section that speaks to you? What is the hardest part of loving someone?
I was have to say the love is not proud section. So many loves are lost because the other person did not know how to humble themselves and be grateful for what God has blessed them with. Men have it hard because are taught to be tough, and not cry, and stand their ground. But the same way we bow our head in prayer as an act of humility is the same way we should remove our pride and interact with our spouse…always remembering those vows you said before God on that special day.
This is a very good thing to use, I use it sometimes when I’m feeling down. I’m so glad to see that you use it too, because it works. My personal affirmation is “You are beautiful and worthy.” Sometimes I just need a way to boost my self-esteem. My self-esteem is very low and seeing you have the same issues makes me feel like I’m not the only one. Not the only one who has low self-esteem. We each have our own demons. Thank you.