Origami fortune teller on laptop in office concept for work life balance choices

What does balance look like for you?

In today’s fast-paced world, finding a balance between work and personal life can feel like trying to keep too many balls in the air at once. However, this does not just apply to married people or those with families, but to single people as well.

Before I went through a divorce, buried the last of my family, and lost my only child, I had to juggle a demanding career, take care of the household, host holiday parties, wife and mom duties, and so much more. To be honest, self-care wasn’t even on the list.

Now, as a single woman trying to reposition herself in the world, I still have a demanding career, and still trying to find time to manage my priorities and make self-care a non-negotiable part of my routine.

Perhaps in my case, I am trying to frantically push forward so hard and fast that I won’t have time to think about my losses. Regardless, it is not healthy mentally or physically.

While work might be a significant focus, it’s crucial to carve out space for yourself and prioritize self-care to avoid burnout. Balance is not about dividing your time perfectly, but about making choices that align with your values and well-being.

That’s why I developed some tips and self-care strategies to help those who are single achieve work/life harmony without burning out.

  1. Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

Since I work from my home office, defining clear lines between work and personal time is difficult, but important. And even if you are not in this position, setting and sticking to work hours, turning off email notifications after work hours, or dedicating weekends to family and rest is vital.

Business chair with out of office sign concept for vacation, holiday, lunch break or work life balance

Protect your time as fiercely as you would any important meeting and communicate your boundaries clearly to colleagues, friends, and loved ones. Remember, it’s okay to say no to unnecessary commitments. I struggle with this one daily, either from clients or family members.

  • Self-Care Tip: Use apps like “Do Not Disturb” modes on your phone during personal time to minimize interruptions and help you disconnect from work. I use this feature all the time!

  1. Redefine What Balance Means to You

Balance looks different for everyone, especially when you’re focused on your career. Let go of the idea that you need to “do it all” and instead, redefine balance based on what truly matters to YOU. It’s about aligning your time with your priorities—whether that’s advancing in your career, nurturing friendships, or investing in your personal growth. In my life, having time to work on my novels, attend events at my church, and home decorating projects around the house helps me find balance.

  • Self-Care Tip: Set personal goals outside of work, such as learning a new skill, traveling, or simply dedicating time to a hobby that makes you happy. Schedule “you time” in your calendar just like any other meeting. This could be for reading, exercising, watching your favorite show, or simply unwinding.

  1. Prioritize Self-Care Without Guilt

Self-care is NOT a luxury, and it is NOT selfish; it’s a necessity, especially when you’re managing a demanding job. In my case, I am managing two companies, over 20 contractors, and numerous projects and clients, so setting aside time for luxury is a MUST. Prioritize activities that help you relax and recharge, whether it’s hitting the gym, reading a book, or simply taking a quiet moment for yourself.

  • Self-Care Tip: Schedule regular self-care sessions like massages, spa days, or even solo movie nights—these are your rewards for working hard. I use my Google calendar for this and schedule daily 15-minute mental health breaks, time slots for a Gym Workout, and even Lunch.
  • Self-Care Tip: Dedicate time each month to try something new—whether it’s a cooking class, hiking a new trail, or attending a workshop.

Pensive woman thinking and looking at side sitting in a bar or home terrace

  1. Cultivate a Morning Routine That Centers You

Start your day with intention by creating a morning routine that’s all about you. Whether it’s meditating, exercising, journaling, or enjoying a quiet cup of coffee, this time sets a positive tone for the day ahead. Each day, I begin with my daily devotional apps (Glorify and Our Daily Bread) and then I pray and list the things that I am grateful for. I have also incorporated daily affirmations into my routine to remind myself to speak positively and kindly about and to myself daily.

  • Self-Care Tip: Wake up 15-30 minutes earlier to enjoy your routine without rushing—it’s your time to connect with yourself before the day gets hectic.

Senior Man Relaxing In Hammock With E-Book

  1. Embrace Downtime Without Feeling Unproductive

This may seem shocking to hear, but it’s okay to do nothing sometimes. Downtime is essential for recharging and maintaining mental clarity. Embrace moments of stillness and resist the urge to fill every minute with tasks. Sometimes, I have to force myself to sit down and relax. If I’m not working, I’m cooking, cleaning, reorganizing, etc. It’s both mentally and physically exhausting and makes it harder to rest when it’s time for bed.

  • Self-Care Tip: Plan at least one unstructured evening each week where you do whatever you feel like—no plans, no pressure.

  1. Regularly Reassess and Adjust Your Balance

Life and work demands will shift over time, so it’s important to regularly check in with yourself. Assess what’s working and what’s not, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments to protect your well-being.

Tired business woman choice between health and side job vector illustration. Female cartoon office worker looking on tiny people choosing life and work. Balance between income and rest concept

Personally, in the last year, I felt like I was working too hard and giving top quality to clients who couldn’t afford to pay what I was worth. So, I shifted my business model for my training and development company to accommodate and contract corporate and government entities in need of certified minority and women business enterprises for long-term, worthwhile engagements. This is going to allow me to step away from a production role and move into more of a management role and delegate the rest. The end result: More time for me.

  • Self-Care Tip: Use journaling or reflection prompts to evaluate your current balance and set intentions for the week ahead. Not only do I mark my Google calendar with reminders to reassess, but I use the Task list to set check-ins and future milestones.


By incorporating these self-care strategies into your routine, you can create a sense of balance that honors both your career ambitions and your personal needs. Remember, balance is about making choices that support your overall well-being—not striving for perfection. All of us, flaws and all, are perfect in our own special way. Find your purpose, and what brings you the most joy, and you will find your balance.

Until next time….

About the Author

Cheryl Bannerman is a prolific and versatile author with a portfolio of ten published works across various genres including mystery novels and a children’s book. In 2018, she received the prestigious 2018 Book Excellence Award for her poetry collection, Words Never Spoken. In 2020, Bannerman’s book, Black Child to Black Woman: An African-American Woman Coming-of-Age Story, garnered acclaim, winning the Best Books Award in African American fiction and the Reader’s Favorite International Book Award Contest in Urban Fiction in 2021.

Readers can connect with Bannerman, purchase signed copies of her books, and subscribe to her newsletter through her website, www.bannermanbooks.com. When she is not writing for her next book, Bannerman is running her 28-year-old virtual B2B Training and Development company based out of her Orlando, Florida, home.