Dress Better, Feel Better

Dress Better, Feel Better

It’s been said many times that dressing up, having your hair done, wearing makeup, wearing jewelry, getting in shape, etc… makes you feel better about yourself. And that you should do it for yourself and not for someone else. But doesn’t it also make...

What do Values mean to YOU?

Pick a word from the Integrity Word cube and tell us what the word Values mean to you. Think about the role models and lessons you were taught as a child. How did they make you the person that you are...

Positive Affirmations

    Just like there is power in speaking the name of Jesus, there is power is speaking positive affirmations over yourself and your life. Check out these affirmations based on scriptures from the Word....

Writing for Emotional Healing

Life is full of ups and downs. You take the good with the bad. You can forgive but you can’t forget. Words hurt like a punch and the bruises and scars seem to remain forever. How do you release stress during the healing process? Yoga, sleeping, crying, therapy,...
Discover life through the eyes of Tara

Discover life through the eyes of Tara

Click the link below to dive into Tara’s childhood in Black Child to Black Woman. Her diary experiences will make you laugh, cry, scream, sigh, and gasp aloud. We guarantee you will be immediately immersed in her world, her family and her experiences, that you...